Bean kimchi

Bean kimchi

10 heads of Beijing cabbage,
5 cups coarse salt,
5 cups ground red pepper
1 glass of water, 1 radish,
4 bunches of green onions, 10 heads of garlic,
3 pcs. Ginger
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ cup sesame seeds,
fine salt - a little

If large heads of cabbage, cut each into four parts (lengthwise), if small - into two parts. Having dipped in salt water, put one layer in a large vessel, salt with coarse salt. Put another layer on top, dipped in salt water, salt it, etc. Hold for 5-6 hours. Wash the cabbage cleanly and shake water from it.

To five glasses of red pepper add one glass of warm water and mix thoroughly. Cut the radish into strips 4-5 cm long, 2-3 mm thick. Chop green onions into pieces 4 cm long. Peel the garlic and ginger and crush thoroughly. Mix radish, onion, garlic and ginger with pepper, add a little salt, sugar and sesame. Stir well. Put the resulting filling between the leaves of cabbage (for each part), carefully wrap each part of the last (outer) sheet so that the filling is held inside. Place the resulting parts of cabbage (40 or 20 parts, depending on how you cut the cabbage) in a large vessel, press down with your hands, pour the juice remaining from the filling on top. Close the vessel with a lid.

Keep at least 5 days at room temperature. Before meals, cut into small pieces (3-4 cm).
