Potato fritters

Potato fritters

6 average potatoes (2 per 1 person)
2 tablespoons flour
1 egg
2 onions
100-200 g of sausage, smoked brisket, roast, cracklings, etc.
salt pepper
cooking oil

Wash potatoes, peel, grate on a coarse grater. Add flour, egg, salt, pepper, chopped onions and finely chopped meat products - such as at home. Thoroughly mix the mass. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the pancakes, laying the dough with a tablespoon. Brown on both sides.

Put the fried pancakes in a pan in a pile, pour a small amount of water or broth: 1-2 tablespoons. The broth can also be prepared from the broth cube. Simmer fritters for about 20 minutes on a small fire.
