Creme brulee

Creme brulee

6 yolks
1/3 cup powdered sugar,
3 cups full cream
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
½ cup sugar
orange zest.

Cool the eggs, separate the yolks from the proteins. Grind the yolks with white powder, add vanilla sugar and zest, and pour in the hot cream while stirring continuously. Make sure the yolks do not curl. Strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth in the form prepared for the cream. Pour water on a baking sheet with a layer of about 2 cm, put in a pre-heated oven (about 170 degrees) together with the cream form. Leave on for 30 minutes or longer. The readiness of the cream is defined as follows: the finished cream should not stick to the blade of the knife. After this, cool the cream.

To make caramel, melt the sugar in a small amount of water and cook until it turns brown (about 5 minutes).

Before serving, pour the cream with caramel and let it harden (about an hour).
