Gefilte fish

Gefilte fish

2-3 kg of fish (pike, carp, common carp, pike perch)
100-200 g of bread
5-6 bulbs
2 beets
3 carrots
1 tbsp. l Sahara
1 tbsp. l vegetable oil
2 eggs
bay leaf, pepper and salt to taste

For the preparation of this dish use river fish.

Clean the fish from scales, cut off the head and, without cutting the abdomen, take out the insides, remove the gills and thoroughly rinse the fish from blood clots near the spine. Cut the fish in portions. From each piece cut the flesh without damaging the skin.

To prepare the minced meat, chopped fish pulp together with onions and white bread (previously soaked in water and squeezed well), pass through the meat grinder 2 times (instead of bread, you can add macemel - matzoh flour). Add raw egg, granulated sugar, salt, pepper, finely grated carrots to the minced meat and mix everything thoroughly. Stuffing should not be liquid. Prepare minced meat to fill in the pieces of fish where the pulp was cut, and even with a knife dipped in water.

At the bottom of the pan put sliced ​​beets, carrots, thoroughly washed onion husks, bones, fins and the head of a pike or other fish. On top of vegetables, place stuffed pieces of fish on which to put another layer of vegetables, then again fish and again a layer of vegetables. Pour fish and vegetables with cold water so that the water only covers them, and, having closed the pan, set cook on low heat for 1.5 hours, counting from the moment the water boils. During cooking, it is necessary to ensure that fish and vegetables do not burn, the top layer of fish should be occasionally watered with the resulting broth.

It is beautiful to spread the fish along with the vegetables on a platter, giving the pieces the shape of a whole fish.

Pour the remaining strained broth into the sauceboat and serve.
