

The word punch comes from the ancient Indian "pani", which means "five." The five components of the punch were mandatory: wine, rum, fruit juice, sugar or honey, spices (cinnamon, cloves, tea).

1 liter of strong tea,
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
1 lemon
5 yolks
300 g sugar
1.5 cups of rum.

Strong tea with vanilla sugar and lemon, cut into small pieces with zest (after removing the seeds), put on fire in a saucepan, cover with a lid, and boil several times. Beat the egg yolks with sugar with a whisk and, continuously stirring, dilute with cooked hot tea. Put the pan with the mixture on steam and, stirring, boil until thick. Remove from heat, cool slightly, while continuing to interfere, pour in rum, pour into punch glasses and serve hot.
