Radish kimchi

Radish kimchi

2 large radishes,
30 g green onions,
15 g parsley
2 tbsp. l crushed garlic
½ tbsp crushed ginger
1 cup red pepper,
½ cup salted shrimp,
½ tbsp Sahara,
Sesame seeds, pine nuts, salt - to taste.

Wash the radish, cut into small cubes, salt and hold for about an hour (so that the radish is slightly saturated with salt); then rinse several times. Wash the parsley and green onions and cut them into 3 cm lengths. Put the radish in a large vessel, add garlic, ginger, pepper, sugar and shrimp there and mix thoroughly. Put green onions and parsley and mix lightly, salt to taste; put sesame seeds and pine nuts and stir. Press everything down and keep it in a closed vessel at room temperature for several days (at least 4 days).

Similarly, you can make kimchi from cabbage.
