

500 - 600 g of fresh fish (salmon, salmon, trout, pike perch, etc.),
100-150 g of tops of young beets,
100 g spinach
100 g of sorrel,
100 g of peeled fresh horseradish root,
3 hard boiled eggs,
4 fresh cucumbers
100-180 g of green onions,
1 glass of cancer necks,
a bunch of dill
1 lemon
salt, pepper, sugar to taste,
0.5 l of bread kvass,
0.5 liters of apple kvass.

Peel the fish, cut into large pieces, cook until tender, but not boiling. Remove from broth, cool. Boil the prepared sorrel, spinach and tops of beets until they are completely softened, place them on a sieve, let them drain and then wipe them in the dishes in which the tops will be cooked. Finely chop onions, peeled cucumbers and eggs and mix with horseradish grated on a fine grater. Two-thirds of these products are added to the dishes, where the tops are prepared. There, add all the kvass, salt, sugar, pepper to taste, mix gently (instead of apple kvass, you can add lemon zest in mashed potatoes).

Cut the finished fish into thin slices and lay tightly on a dish. On top of the fish put lemon mugs, a sprig of dill. Around the fish, lay out the remaining chopped products and the cervical necks in small slides. Pour botvini into plates, put lemon and dill in each mug. In addition to fish, you can put chopped whitefish balyk on a dish.
