

The end of summer and autumn is the time for harvesting and homemade harvesting. Of course, in the winter it will be possible to buy stewed fruit and salads, but made by yourself is always tastier. Marinades, jams, compotes will preserve vitamins and the memory of warm days.

Preparation of fruits, berries and vegetables for canning
Fruits and vegetables must be sorted by maturity, size, reject unfit. Overripe raw materials can be digested. Small fruits will boil more quickly until cooked, while large fruits will still be raw in the middle. Berries peeled from sepals, twigs, leaves. In stone fruit you need to remove the seeds. Raw materials should be washed several times. Apples, pears, tomatoes, cucumbers can be washed in metal nets by shaking them. To clean and cut the fruit into parts should be a stainless steel knife. Remove the core with a special knife or a teaspoon honed at the edges.

Blanching, welding, steaming
It is used for preserving fruits and vegetables. Blanch with water or steam. Fruits, whole or cut into pieces, immerse in boiling water for 2-5 minutes. Heat the water so that its temperature is 80-100 °. The duration of blanching depends on the type of fruit, their degree of maturity, and the consistency of the pulp. After blanching, immerse the product for 5-10 minutes in cold water to suspend the heating process. For blanching, you can use a colander or a special stainless steel mesh. Due to high temperature, a significant part of microorganisms is destroyed, the fruits become elastic, more tightly packed in jars, do not break. When blanching fruit with a thick skin, tiny cracks appear through which sugar passes better, air is removed from the fruit, and they are better preserved in their entire form.

Syrup and fill
In the manufacture of compotes, the raw materials in the jars need to be filled with sugar syrup, which is prepared by dissolving sugar in water in a certain ratio, then bring the solution to a boil, remove the foam or strain through several layers of gauze. For compotes, syrup is made at the rate of 1 / 2-1 glass of sugar a glass of water. When cooking syrup, the water evaporates a little, so it is recommended to add 2-3% more water. For pickling fruits and vegetables, in addition to sugar, salt, vinegar and spices are used in the fill. A solution of sugar and salt must first be boiled, as indicated for syrups, then put spices. Vinegar or essence can not be added during cooking, as it evaporates during cooking. It must be added to the fill before bottling it in cans. In this case, pour the fill in an enameled bowl. In some recipes, vinegar is added directly to the jar in the finished product.

Invertor and container
Used glass jars, especially jars with labels or traces of canned food, are recommended to be soaked in water for 1-2 hours before washing. After that, wash the jars and glass covers in soapy or soda water with a rubber brush or ruff, rinse 2-3 times with clean water, look at the quality of washing, finally rinse the inside of the jar with clean boiled water and put it upside down on clean towels or paper. Cans should be washed 1-2 hours before canning. Before filling the cans with food, it is advisable to rinse them again with hot water. Metal covers with rubber rings should also be washed in soapy water, and it is better to remove the rubber rings and rinse them well. Rinse lids and rings, insert rings into lids and put in a small saucepan. Covers cannot be placed one on top of the other; they must be slightly offset. Pour water into the pan (slightly above the level of the lids) and boil them over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Before using the lid, store for 1-2 hours (no more) in the same pan with water. If work is delayed, it is advisable to boil the lids again for 2-3 minutes in the same water.

Can filling
Berries and fruits are placed in jars with a tablespoon of stainless steel. For a tighter bottom-laying, tapping the cans on the palm of your hand or on the table. The fruits must be laid tightly, but carefully so as not to squeeze them, as the skin may burst and juice will leak. After filling the cans with raw materials, drain the accumulated water and pour in the syrup or pour, preheated to 90-100 degrees. Pour the syrup carefully so that the jar does not burst (you can preheat the jar). Some fruits (apples, quinces) absorb a lot of syrup, and in the finished compote, the top layer of fruits can be without syrup. Therefore, in such compotes, the syrup layer should be increased by a centimeter above the fruits. Cover the filled cans with lids and place in the tank for heating.

There is a definite relationship between the temperature and the warming time of canned food. At 120 ° and above, microorganisms die quite quickly, and at lower temperatures, canned foods need to be heated for a longer time. You can use any dishes with a lid in which it is convenient to place cans. At the bottom of the dishes put the lattice, stand or put a cloth on
