Easter recipes. Easter, Easter cakes and other dishes

Easter recipes. Easter, Easter cakes and other dishes

Easter is a Christian church holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the oldest and most important holiday of the year for all Christians. In Russia, the tradition of celebrating Easter appeared in the X century along with the advent of Christianity. In 2006, Easter is celebrated on April 23rd. Easter is a feast after a long fast. On this day, they must attend a service in the church. All over the world, Christians celebrate this holiday with various national Easter dishes, which are symbolic in nature: bake a young lamb, veal and pork with fresh spring vegetables, prepare foods that were not enough during the winter months, or which were forbidden by fasting: eggs, milk, butter and fresh cheeses.

Easter is a family holiday, so the closest people gather around the festive table. And throughout the whole Bright Week, friends and acquaintances come to the house, who are treated to all kinds of dishes.

There are several versions of where the custom of giving and painting eggs for Easter comes from. Legend has it that on Easter, Mary Magdalene served the Roman Emperor Tiberius an egg painted red - the color of blood shed by Christ on the cross. On the egg was written "H.V.", that is, "Christ is Risen!"

There is a more rational explanation for this. Earlier, during the 40-day fast, starting from Wednesday of the first week, it was forbidden to eat eggs. But since the laying hens did not want to adapt to the church calendar, the eggs laid during the fasting had to be preserved in some way so that they would not deteriorate. To do this, they were cooked. And so as not to confuse boiled and raw eggs in the future, plants containing natural dyes were added to the boiling water.

Eggs painted in any way are called “dyes”, and painted with patterns - “Easter eggs”. In ancient times, "Easter Eggs" often represented real masterpieces of folk art. An artistic tradition has developed, and collections of sugar, chocolate, wooden, glass, silver and even golden eggs with jewelry made of precious stones have appeared. Probably everyone knows about the collection of Easter eggs of the famous jeweler Faberge.

For coloring eggs, it is best to use onion peel, which is collected in advance. Depending on the color of the husk, the color of the eggs is obtained from light red to dark brown. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before lowering the eggs in the broth. Almost purple eggs come from the husks of red onions. You can paint with birch leaves or food colors.

So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they must be kept warm for about an hour or at room temperature, while boiling in water, you can add a tablespoon of salt.

Some families keep the custom of dyeing eggs "speckled". To do this, wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tightly tied so that the rice sticks to the egg) and then boiled in onion husks in the usual way.

To make colored eggs shine, they are wiped dry and greased with sunflower oil. You can cook eggs wrapped in multi-colored threads, then they produce interesting stains.

But the main dishes of the Easter menu are Easter cakes and Easter itself from cottage cheese, which fits into a special wooden pasochnitsa with the letters XV and crosses carved on it, which are then printed on Easter.
