

350-400 g low-fat corned beef,
1 kg of potatoes
6 well-soaked halves of herring,
3 pickles,
250 g pickled red beets,
2 onions,
3 tbsp. tablespoons of fat
4 fried eggs.

Boil the meat until soft, cool and pass through a meat grinder. Boil potatoes without salt, drain the water and cook mashed potatoes. Coarsely chop half the amount of beets, 2 cucumbers and 2 halves of herring. Melt the fat in a pan and fry finely chopped onion in it.

Add meat, mashed potatoes, chopped pickled beets, cucumbers and herring. Season with pepper (there is enough salt in these products). Preheat mashed potatoes, stirring constantly. Serve salted herring, sliced ​​beets, cucumbers for garnish. Each serving also relies on fried eggs. In this form, the Labskaus serve.
