Stuffed shank

Stuffed shank

knuckle (large) - 1.2–1.5 kg,
soup greens
pork (lean) - 150g,
sauerkraut - 150g,
egg - 2 pcs.,
sour cream - 100g,
cream - 1 glass,
butter - 150g,
flour - 15g
mustard (acute) - 2 tbsp.,
peas (canned) - 450g,
salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the knuckle lengthwise, remove the bone from it, place it in a pan with four liters of water, add coarsely chopped greens and bring to a boil. While the meat is being cooked, finely chop the sauerkraut, pass the lean pork through a meat grinder and mix the minced meat with cabbage and eggs. Season with salt and pepper to taste. When the water boils, remove the shank, put on a clean napkin, put the cooked stuffing inside, tightly wrap the shank in a towel and tie on both sides. Again, lower the meat into boiling water and cook for 1.5 hours over low heat, avoiding rapid boiling.

After an hour, drain a glass of broth, add sour cream and cream to it and put on fire until the whole mass has evaporated to a volume of about 400 g. Then add butter and flour, as well as salt, pepper and mustard to taste.

While preparing the main course and the sauce, add a little butter to the peas, stir it with a mixer to a puree condition, add the remaining oil there and season with spices. By this time, the meat should be cooked. Remove it from the pan, cool slightly, unfold, cut into slices and arrange on plates with mashed potatoes and sauce.
